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Song Science #2: The Complete Songwriting Chord Guide - Extended Edition
Introduction (2:21)
Getting Up to Speed! (Skip if You Understand 7 Chords and Circle of 5ths)
The 7 Chords (4:17)
The Circle of 5ths (6:25)
The Chord Moves in "Mysterious" Ways
The "Circle Windup" With The Supremes (5:08)
Slash Chords - Michael Jackson Did It! (8:24)
Pedal Point! How to Build Intensity from Van Halen to Eye of the Tiger (6:12)
Use this Simple Chord Quality Morphing Trick to get The Bright Alt Rock Sound (5:38)
Deceptive Cadence (2:08)
Using Chord Embelishments
Add9 Chords (2:40)
Sus4 Chords (4:11)
Ballad Cadence Chord (4:25)
Secondary Dominants
What is a Secondary Dominant? (6:16)
Secondary Dominant Quiz
Secondary Dominants in Songs - Even Kanye West Did It? (8:44)
Diminished Chords - Playing "the Cracks"
The 3 Types of Diminished Chords and the 5 Cracks They Fit In (10:45)
Diminished Quiz
Diminished Chords in Songs - From John Mayer to Alicia Keys! (7:45)
Getting Modal - From Songs to Interchange
The 7 Modes - from Brightest to Darkest (9:12)
Modes Quiz
These Are the 5 Modes You Can Write Complete Songs in (12:08)
Modal Interchange (1:22)
Neapolitan II and Lydian II (8:24)
The Minor IV (3:56)
The Minor V - Coldplay Made it Interesting (7:30)
The Art of "Backcycling" bIII, bVI, and bVII (10:23)
Power Home with Parallels! bIII, bVI, and bVII (10:10)
bVII Cadence and Pre-Cadence (3:05)
Backcycle Quiz
The Very, Very Difficult Advanced Songwriting Quiz
What is Adele Doing in This Bob Dylan Song? (6:13)
What is Carole King Doing Here? (3:52)
What is Ariana Grande Doing Here? (3:16)
What is Mariah Carey Doing Here? (2:13)
What is Radiohead Doing Here? (3:05)
Thank you! (1:56)
What is Adele Doing in This Bob Dylan Song?
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